our natural way of being in embodied form is an ongoing silent dialogue with the Grace ~ prior to our being is only a single, cosmic monologue
Pure Prayer, then, is free of prayer to an object ~ God, a saint, a guru..., anything, anyone, anywhere
this does not mean, for example, one does not believe in a "higher Being"
only that "God" as object disappears in God as Pure Subjectivity
here, the dialogue, again, is silence with Silence
yet, even the sense of "with" dissolves in the Purity of Love
hence, we rightfully say, Pure Prayer is Pure Love
so, have sages wisely said, for ages, "alone with the Alone"
and this Alone (Al-one) is the ground for communion among all beings, seen and unseen
Pure does not exclude is all-inclusive, all-welcoming, all-loving
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